Sunday, August 14, 2005

Old Democratic views will hinder ability to fight terrorism.

Lord John Stevens, the former head of Londons Metropolitan Police who takes the lead to counter terrorism is quoted saying that the Human Rights "industry" has a stranglehold on Britain!!

He is absolutely right; and while one must in no way deny that Human Rights activism has been responsible for helping millions attain freedom through their lobby and pressure on tyrants, their approach and logic was relevant "perhaps a decade ago!"

We now live in a Non Linear Era where society faces challenges and problems that are "not defined by history".

History has no record, and therefore we have never assumed that an ordinary Individual can create havoc for society! The focus of Human Rights organizations and their mandate THUS thus must shift from protecting the "individual to protecting the larger SOCIAL UNIT of which an individual is just a small constituent". In this Non linear era there is now the propensity for A SINGLE individual or just a HANDFUL to create social and economic havoc to the majority in society at large, with global repercussions. One suicide bomber can globally affect oil prices, tourist traffic and alter the trends of all stock markets!! THIS ability has empowered and emboldened the terrorists organizations WHO seem confident of their ability to terrorise the innocent and create impact through economic turmoil. Their confidence stems from their belief that our democractic interpretation that protects the "individual over society" is theONE WEAK LINK that they can always exploit!!

THEIR relentless NEW approach must make us change our OLD approach which is now redundant as it is no longer able to PROTECT society. Surely Democracy has matured beyond our narrow definition where "protecting individual rights still remains as OUR ONLY method of evaluation to check the maturity and health of a democracy".

A simple and valued erstwhile LAW like "probable cause" seems to have vanished! It is no longer relevant!! I have not read of many protests from Human rights activists when cars and personal bags are being checked at airports and even Rock shows ??!! BECAUSE they know it is the correct thing to do!! It helps protect the majority from crackpot individuals & fringe groups!!

Lets pray that there are a FEW Human rights groups who will note that their real mandate and objective was and is infact to protect HUMANITY not just HUMANS! (If one can call potential terrorists human)

They must agree with Lord Stevens and SUPPORT the UK governments move to deport "those who can jeopardize the safety of the majority". THIS MUST BE VIEWED AS AN ENLARGEMENT OF DEMOCRACY AND NOT A CURTAILMENT NOR AN INFRINGEMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS!!

nonlinear solutions